Mark Pentecost Speech Graphic
Vision For 2018 Header Graphic

What does "vision" really mean? The definition of vision is "What's Next." There is a verse if you don't have vision, you perish. You always need to have a "What's Next." The vision of our company is a Whole 'Notha Level company. But if our vision is to keep growing, then each of you have to keep growing.

Mark Pentecost What's Next Graphic
What's Next? Banner

Let me tell you about my "What's Next." When I graduated college, I become a high school math teacher and basketball coach. Then I asked myself, "What's Next?" So, I became Head Varsity Coach. I thought I wanted to be an administrator. It's what the world said was the natural next step in my career.

I didn't get the job. And you know what, if I had gotten that job, I wouldn't be here today. Not getting that job forced me to realize that there was a greater "What's Next." I realized I needed to expand my vision. So we joined our first direct sales company to make $500 a month. When we made that, we asked ourselves What's Next?

We started It Works! with the vision to take care of our family. But somewhere along the journey, our vision expanded—how could we help others like ourselves?

So my question to you is, "What's Next?" I'm giving you permission to dream. Will you push yourself to ask, "What's Next?"

Mark Pentecost We Are It Works! Graphic
Why Not You? Banner

So I say to you, "Why not have bigger vision? Why not go to a Whole 'Notha Level?" Some of you have a big vision, but you're thinking people don't believe in you. Some of you are the Dark Horse.

The Dark Horse is the unknown, the longshot. But you know what, the Dark Horse defies all odds and wins! So, are you going to be The Dark Horse? Are you going to prove them wrong?

There is someone out there who by the end of the year, is going to have earned their spot down front in the VIP section for next Conference. Why not YOU?!

Fireworks Mark Pentecost Graphic
2018 Is Your Year Banner

For some of you, this is the year of the revival. For some of you, it's a comeback. I want your commitment in 2018.

What's it going to take? There are things from 2017 that are hindering you from reaching your goals in 2018. I'm telling you right now, that junk is in the past. Let it go and make 2018 YOUR year! You have the heart and the grit to make it the best year yet.

You are hungry! You are confident! You are worthy!

Mark Pentecost What's Next Graphic
What's Next? Banner

Say this to yourself, make it your mantra: "I'm not taking it anymore! 2018 is my year!"

So, hold out your mic! Are you ready? Because we're dropping the mic together!